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Community Maritime Park Breakwaters and Wetland Restoration

MRD Associates, Inc. was retained to design, permit and provide construction phase services for the construction of the breakwater, wetland mitigation site, “Living Shoreline", and tidal creek project.

MRD deployed three tide gages and two ADCP wave and current meters in Pensacola Bay that were used in the design of the structures and the numerical modeling. Wave, hydrodynamic, sediment, and pollutant transport numerical models were applied to assist in the design and permitting of the project. The model results were used to configure the structures to retain sand, evaluate the performance of the existing jetty to impound littoral sand transport, reduce sedimentation and subsequent dredging of the navigation channel into the adjacent port facility, and provide storm protection to the existing and proposed marsh system.

Through an iterative design process, a continuous and segmented breakwater along the outer limits of the mitigation site was selected. The existing 2.5 acre Bruce Beach mitigation site was expanded and connected to the proposed constructed 2.5 acre marsh and tidal creek to increase the flushing capacity of the system and provide Gulf Sturgeon habitat. Based on the tidal study and hydrodynamic modeling, MRD prepared a grading plan to provide for proper tidal inundation for the survival of the planted wetlands.