Michael Dombrowski Presents Preliminary Findings for the St. Joseph Peninsula Southern Beach Erosion Control Project to the SJP Coastal Community Association (CCA)

Michael Dombrowski of MRD Associates, Inc. presented the preliminary findings from the Southern Beach Erosion Control Project Feasibility Study on St. Joseph Peninsula, Gulf County, Florida. Michael met with home owners, interested citizens and members of the Gulf County Coastal Community Association (CCA) in order to discuss preferred alternatives for tolling the erosion along the southern portions of St. Joseph Peninsula. Detailed findings on the past performance of the St. Joseph Peninsula Erosion Control Project were presented. In addition, several alternatives were presented including Beach Re-Nourishment, Breakwaters, Permeable Adjustable Groins, and Submerged Reefs. Further discussion was had on which alternative to advance to the design phase and the applicable funding sources available to bring a proposed project to fruition.

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